
제 25회 반도체 대전 SEDEX

October 25 ~ 27 / COEX SEOUL

2023 참가업체 디렉토리



Booth No.D310
  • CEO신희동 / Heedong Shin
  • ADDRESS경기도 성남시 분당구 새나리로 25 / #25 SAENARI-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do
  • CONTACTTel. +8231-789-7911 / Fax. / URL. www.keti.re.kr
  • 제조품목

    KETI 원장 신희동입니다.
    팍스 테크니카(Pax Technica·기술패권)의 시대입니다. 코로나19
    팬데믹으로 우리 모두의 일상은 비대면·디지털로 전환되었고,
    글로벌 공급망을 확보하기 위한 세계 주요국들의 기술 경쟁은
    미래가 아닌 현실이 되었습니다.
    KETI는 산업통상자원부 산하 전자·IT분야 전문생산연구기관으로,
    1991년 설립 이래 첨단산업 분야에서 우리 중소·중견 기업들의
    성장을 견인해 왔습니다. 유망기술을 선제적으로 개발하여 기업의
    기술혁신을 돕고 기업에게 맞춤형 성장 플랫폼을 제공하는 국내
    대표 기업친화 연구기관으로 자리매김하였습니다.
    산업 대전환의 파고 속에서 앞으로 KETI는 시그니처 기술 개발을
    통해 우리 사회의 변화를 이끄는 글로벌 기술 리더로 나아가고자
    합니다. 이를 위해 ‘5대 산업(미디어·바이오헬스·모빌리티·제조·
    에너지환경) 대전환’, ‘중소·중견기업 스케일업’(‘Scale-up’), ‘국가
    및 사회 문제 해결’이라는 「2030 3대 핵심가치」를 바탕으로 국가
    산업기술 발전에 이바지 하고자 합니다. 또한 우리 기업이 글로벌
    전문기업으로 성장할 수 있도록 적극 지원하겠습니다.
    새롭게 희망의 30년을 만들어가는 KETI에게 많은 관심과 응원을

    Welcome to Korea Electronics Technology Institute!
    The era of Pax Technica has arrived. Due to the COVID-19
    pandemic, our daily lives are going online and digital, and
    technology competition among major advanced economies has
    become a reality, not a future, to secure the global supply chain.
    KETI is the R&D institute specializing in electronics and IT
    under the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy(MOTIE) of
    the Republic of Korea. Since its establishment in 1991, KETI
    has driven the growth of domestic small and medium-sized
    companies in advanced technology fields. Thanks to the efforts,
    it has been established as one of business-friendly Korean
    research institutes by taking preemptive action for development
    of promising technologies to bring technological innovation
    to companies, and offering tailor-made growth platforms for
    In the wave of the major industrial transformation, KETI
    would like to become a global technology leader to take the
    initiative in changes in our society through signature technology
    development. To this end, we will contribute to national and
    industrial technology development with 「2030 three major value
    propositions」 such as ‘great transformation in 5 major industries
    (Media·Biohealth·Mobility·Manufacturing·Energy environment),’
    ‘SMEs Scale-up,’ ‘addressing national and social issues.’ In this
    regard, we will actively support for domestic enterprises to grow
    as global, specialized companies.
    I sincerely ask for your great support and interest in KETI which
    builds another 30-year-long hope.
    Thank you.
    Unframed Perspective
    Established Gwangju
    Regional Branch
    Established Jeonbuk
    Regional Branch
    Established Sangam Branch at
    DMC in Seoul (Specialized in
    communication & media R&D)
    Established Pangyo Branch in Seongnam
    (Specialized in system IC R&D)
    Established Air Consumer Electronics
    Innovation Support Center
    Established Southeast Regional Branch
    Renamed its official Korean name
    Established Korea Electronics
    Technology Laboratory
    Established Reliability and
    failure analysis Center
    Designated as a testing institution of
    Korea Laboratory Accreditation Scheme
    Changed Name to KETI
    (Korea Electronics Technology Institute)
    Board of Directors
    IT Materials & Components R&D Division
    Communications & Media R&D Division
    Convergence System R&D Division
    Intelligent Information R&D Division
    Semiconductor·Display R&D Division
    Smart Energy·Manufacturing R&D Division
    Smart Machine·Robot R&D Division
    R&D Planning Management Division
    Management & Strategy Division
    SMEs Collaboration Division
    Gwangju Regional Branch
    Jeonbuk Regional Branch
    Southeast Regional Branch
    Lead technological Innovation and
    commercialization of SMEs
    Develop advanced core technologies and
    create new industries
    KETI President
    Shin, Heedong

  • 회사소개

    KETI 원장 신희동입니다.
    팍스 테크니카(Pax Technica·기술패권)의 시대입니다. 코로나19
    팬데믹으로 우리 모두의 일상은 비대면·디지털로 전환되었고,
    글로벌 공급망을 확보하기 위한 세계 주요국들의 기술 경쟁은
    미래가 아닌 현실이 되었습니다.
    KETI는 산업통상자원부 산하 전자·IT분야 전문생산연구기관으로,
    1991년 설립 이래 첨단산업 분야에서 우리 중소·중견 기업들의
    성장을 견인해 왔습니다. 유망기술을 선제적으로 개발하여 기업의
    기술혁신을 돕고 기업에게 맞춤형 성장 플랫폼을 제공하는 국내
    대표 기업친화 연구기관으로 자리매김하였습니다.
    산업 대전환의 파고 속에서 앞으로 KETI는 시그니처 기술 개발을
    통해 우리 사회의 변화를 이끄는 글로벌 기술 리더로 나아가고자
    합니다. 이를 위해 ‘5대 산업(미디어·바이오헬스·모빌리티·제조·
    에너지환경) 대전환’, ‘중소·중견기업 스케일업’(‘Scale-up’), ‘국가
    및 사회 문제 해결’이라는 「2030 3대 핵심가치」를 바탕으로 국가
    산업기술 발전에 이바지 하고자 합니다. 또한 우리 기업이 글로벌
    전문기업으로 성장할 수 있도록 적극 지원하겠습니다.
    새롭게 희망의 30년을 만들어가는 KETI에게 많은 관심과 응원을

    Welcome to Korea Electronics Technology Institute!
    The era of Pax Technica has arrived. Due to the COVID-19
    pandemic, our daily lives are going online and digital, and
    technology competition among major advanced economies has
    become a reality, not a future, to secure the global supply chain.
    KETI is the R&D institute specializing in electronics and IT
    under the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy(MOTIE) of
    the Republic of Korea. Since its establishment in 1991, KETI
    has driven the growth of domestic small and medium-sized
    companies in advanced technology fields. Thanks to the efforts,
    it has been established as one of business-friendly Korean
    research institutes by taking preemptive action for development
    of promising technologies to bring technological innovation
    to companies, and offering tailor-made growth platforms for
    In the wave of the major industrial transformation, KETI
    would like to become a global technology leader to take the
    initiative in changes in our society through signature technology
    development. To this end, we will contribute to national and
    industrial technology development with 「2030 three major value
    propositions」 such as ‘great transformation in 5 major industries
    (Media·Biohealth·Mobility·Manufacturing·Energy environment),’
    ‘SMEs Scale-up,’ ‘addressing national and social issues.’ In this
    regard, we will actively support for domestic enterprises to grow
    as global, specialized companies.
    I sincerely ask for your great support and interest in KETI which
    builds another 30-year-long hope.
    Thank you.
    Unframed Perspective
    Established Gwangju
    Regional Branch
    Established Jeonbuk
    Regional Branch
    Established Sangam Branch at
    DMC in Seoul (Specialized in
    communication & media R&D)
    Established Pangyo Branch in Seongnam
    (Specialized in system IC R&D)
    Established Air Consumer Electronics
    Innovation Support Center
    Established Southeast Regional Branch
    Renamed its official Korean name
    Established Korea Electronics
    Technology Laboratory
    Established Reliability and
    failure analysis Center
    Designated as a testing institution of
    Korea Laboratory Accreditation Scheme
    Changed Name to KETI
    (Korea Electronics Technology Institute)
    Board of Directors
    IT Materials & Components R&D Division
    Communications & Media R&D Division
    Convergence System R&D Division
    Intelligent Information R&D Division
    Semiconductor·Display R&D Division
    Smart Energy·Manufacturing R&D Division
    Smart Machine·Robot R&D Division
    R&D Planning Management Division
    Management & Strategy Division
    SMEs Collaboration Division
    Gwangju Regional Branch
    Jeonbuk Regional Branch
    Southeast Regional Branch
    Lead technological Innovation and
    commercialization of SMEs
    Develop advanced core technologies and
    create new industries
    KETI President
    Shin, Heedong

참가사에 부여된 아이디 비밀번호 확인